Film/TV, Theatre, and V.O. (podcast, game, animation, dubbing, audiobook)
Theatrical Rep: Elyah Doryon, Coast to Coast Talent Group
For other offers, use the Contact Form on the main page
See below for Resumes, Sample Reels, and Filmmaker Testimonials
RESUMES/PROFILES (Click Resume for Full-size)
*WINNER – Diamond Award – Feature Lead Actor (Focus International Film Festival – for Moon Students, award shared with Eddie Navarro)
*WINNER – Best Ensemble Cast (American Filmatic Arts Awards – for Moon Students)
*NOMINEE – Best Supporting Actor (Love International Film Festival – for Reclaiming Friendship Park)
*NOMINEE – Best Supporting Actor (FilmQuest – for “Prefigured”)
*NOMINEE – Best Actor (Nightmares Film Festival – for “Prefigured”)
*NOMINEE – Best Dramatic Ensemble (Twister Alley Film Festival – for “R&R”)

“It’d be a complete understatement to say that Nick was a pleasure throughout having him on set. Completely prepared and whole-heartedly bought into my excessive rehearsal process. Beyond his talent and adaptability, I found his biggest asset to be his wisdom. It’s easy to see that he’s picked up so much from his previous projects and he was more than willing to humbly share all of his knowledge with my team and I when needed, making my life much easier! I was able to reach out to him for guidance even after production had ended. Excited to work with him again and again.”
Mike Voutsinos, Writer/Director – “Cell”

“Working with Nicholas was not only a pleasure, but also an inspiration to witness; through sheer talent and skill, he delivered a deeply moving and humanizing performance, elevating what was on the page.”
Mike Sakamoto, Writer/Director – “To a Dead Friend”

“Nicholas Thurkettle is inspiration personified. Working with him has allowed me the privilege to push my characters to places I would have otherwise not dared. His dedication to his craft is second to none. I am grateful to call him a collaborator and more importantly, a friend.”
Zeshaan Younus, Writer/Director – “Grey Canyon”, “Prefigured”

“I had the great pleasure of bringing Nicholas aboard my feature film to fill a critical role. He created a character that was so brilliant it wound up anchoring the entire film. His comedic timing is unparalleled.”
Kevin Resnick, Writer/Director – “Cloudy With a Chance of Sunshine”
“When Nick auditioned for our feature film, he came in with unique (and hilarious) choices. On set, he easily took direction and his improv skills provided some of the most memorable lines in the film. Now that our film is on the festival circuit, he has come out to support it, which we really appreciate. We wouldn’t hesitate to cast him in a future project.”
Rebecca Norris Resnick, Writer/Producer – “Cloudy With a Chance of Sunshine”

“Nick, in no uncertain terms, saved this movie. The crux of the whole story hinged on his performance, and with minimal prep time, he walked into the role, and absolutely nailed it. It’s a ghost story, and he was the ghost. In screenings, I’ve seen people literally have to leave the room during his scenes, in the best possible way.”
Joe Van Auken, Writer/Director – “Revelator”

“Simply put, Nick is an outstanding individual to have in a production. His dedication to a role off set makes him shine onscreen, and I felt my script was in great hands on his shoot days. We were able to have fun and improvise, and working with him was one of our project’s highlights. I would certainly think of him in the future. The man is prepared, and delivers.”
Adam Courtin, Writer/Director – “Isla VIsta: The Rock Opera”

“Nicholas is the best of both worlds as an actor. He comes to the set energized and fully prepared to do the lines as written, but he is also ready to play, add and create at a moment’s notice. The funniest bits in Reclaiming Friendship Park were often Nick ad-lib inventions. He was a pleasure to direct, and I am still looking for ways to squeeze his sizable talent into my current projects!”
Daniel Holland, Writer/Director – “Reclaiming Friendship Park”