Wow, did not intend to go two weeks without a post here. It’s not that I haven’t been blogging, but for some reason everything I have written has felt more comfortable on my filtered blog. Maybe I’ll dredge some of it over here, but since I don’t really know that anyone reads this other than Russian spambots, the incentives aren’t there after I’ve already posted it once for the people who I know do read.

For the last two weeks I’ve been deep in to a good quality writing binge. It may have been triggered by the rush of creative energy from doing the Fast & Loose show – even if that didn’t play a role, the amazing experience is still paying dividends in other ways. But since then I’ve pinned 32 new pages to this screenplay, and we’ve got lots of daylight left over here. 2-3 more weeks and I should have a draft; and so much of my creative energy has gone into the novel over the last year (for obvious financial reasons) that it’s been far too long since I got to celebrate a finished screenplay.

The other impetus I’ve considered is that I’ve just reached a point of uncontainable annoyance that this script doesn’t exist yet. Every producer to whom we’ve mentioned the idea has one of those YEAH, why isn’t THAT a movie yet? forehead smack moments. That’s one of those subtle signs that you have an idea that could be worth money; and I’ve been beaten to the punch on those more times than I care to count.

What is the sound of an e-cricket chirping?
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