I often say that working in the film business is like being a sprinter lined up in the stadium for a 400-meter dash; only you don’t wait seconds for the starter to fire his pistol, you wait months, maybe years. But he could pull that trigger at any moment, and Jimmy, you’d better keep limber for it, because only one guy gets to hit the tape at the end.

I’m flexing my own muscles right now. If something happens – and it may happen – it’s going to happen unbelievably fast. Stay tuned.

Yes, this is me allowing hope in
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2 thoughts on “Yes, this is me allowing hope in

  • January 15, 2010 at 8:34 am

    Details, man. We got our fingers crossed for you.

  • January 16, 2010 at 9:18 am

    Got a script in at an opportunity to make a slate of ultra-low-budget features. Two guys we needed to impress – the creative guy and the $$$ guy. Creative guy loves it and is someone I’ve worked with before and am on friendly terms with. I don’t even know $$$ guy’s name, but he got the script on Thursday and we’re waiting to hear his opinion. We’ve already got a lot of crew put together – director, DP, camera operator, editor, VFX, composer, post-production colorist, and two of the three lead actors. It’s going to boil down to whether or not we can actually make it for the price – which would involve a mountain of ingenuity and an even bigger mountain of luck.

    Thanks for the crossed fingers – but don’t leave them crossed all the time. Could get awkward…


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